Lemp Bottle Labels
"Standard" Labels
"Extra Pale" Labels
"Extra Export" Labels
"Culmbacher" Labels
"Buck" Labels
"Special Brew" Label
"Falstaff" Labels
"Tip Top" Labels
"Tally" Labels
"Lemp Lager" Labels
"Cerva" Label
"Peerless Brew" Label
Think "Born On" dating is a recent development in beer marketing? Think again! Lemp was stamping the production date of their beers on each cork (and on the cork portion of their bottle caps in later years) at the turn-of-the-century!

Dating Lemp Labels: Most versions of Lemp die-cut bottle labels have a series of small numbers at the lower right-hand portion of the label. Typically the middle set of numbers indicates the year of production. In the example shown below, the "99" refers to 1899.